Deer Sweet Ones, Now that things are flowing & the pace has been set, it is time to unclench your hands & jaws & take a deep breath. The recent slew of knock you on your ass bumps on your path were not merely testing your ability to survive, the Femmeiverse brought you to this specific location of your life as an answer to some kind of prayer or ask you made on your own behalf. When? I can't tell you. But what I do know is that this orchestration came from one of the purest versions of your Ancestral selves, the Healer, also known as the Magician. As the Magician is not the first-first card of the major arcane, this signifies that all that has occurred really is part of your path, & since starting the journey can often be the biggest challenge, your task now is to keep moving. & keep your senses open for any signs that may come your way. & since we’re on the topic of signs, did you know that you can craft signs just for you? The first time I realized I could ask for signs from the Femmeiverse that were specifically for me was about 8 years ago. I was still grieving the loss of a baby & wanted to know if their spirit was still with me. I remember taking a walk on that gray day & talking aloud to bare trees & the sky. I remember feeling like I was breaking, which is probably why I was so desperate as to craft my own signs. “If you’re still with me, let me know. I want a sign that is joyful & undeniable & makes me believe again.” Believe in what exactly? I wasn’t sure, but I knew I needed it. It’s so easy for me to ask for signs & then completely ignore them when they show up, like, That’s not my sign! I’ll just wait for the next one, thank you very much. I allowed myself to stay open for the rest of the day, because I’ll try most anything at least once for curiousity’s sake. & before the sun set, my sign came. There was a tree in the back yard of my parent’s house, & I had observed my dad holding a bag of bird seed headed for the back yard more than once, & inquired about it one day. “What’s that for?” “It’s for the birds!” “Oh, yeah, ok.” His response beguiled me because nobody, neither myself nor my three sisters, had ever seen a bird perch on the branches of this tree. We thought it was cute, but maybe his bird seed devotion had more to do with the fact my dad has to always be doing something. I filed it away as something maybe we had in common—a connections to birds. After my walk asking for signs, I went back to my parent’s house, & when I looked out the windows to the back yard I saw that lone tree completely covered with birds! Not one or two or a handful, but a whole treeful! Unable to contain my surprise I yelled out, “Look! Dad was right! There are birds!” My sisters & I all flocked to the windows, laughter spilling everywhere, & then I knew. I began to cry happy tears as I realized that this really was my sign—joyful, undeniable, & makes me believe in something. Spirit Bug, the baby/Ancestor that left was still with me, teaching me important lessons, including making me believe again in me. Makes me believe again in me. The Magician is working in your life, always has, & now it is time to hold your own magical hand & witness what grows & unfolds. You can trust this process, no matter what happens. I trust your process, no matter what happens. & I wouldn't be surprised if the Magician brought things together in way one might describe as miraculous. Unendingly abundant, Lettie If you’d like to make an important donation to support this valuable work, you can donate to my Paypal at [email protected]. I’d really love to receive $50-$100 for my creative efforts & healing channeling today in the form of this post. Your energy exchange of $1-$50 makes all the difference! Thank you so much! 2016: The Reign of your Magician |
1: the Magician (theme)Since the Magician is all about taking action & healing, it is fair to assume that the Magician is squaring up with you to start your journey of deeper healing & opening! The only one you are guaranteed to help heal in this world is yourself, so that is where you'll start. The infinity symbol on the chest of the wildcat means that you will travel forward & backward in time for this healing, & that as you heal yourself you also heal forward & backward in your lineage. You also have all four elements at your feet, air (the sword), earth (the pentacle), fire (the wand), & water (the cup), which means you can femmeifest any & every thing you're gonna want or need! 2016 is asking you to fine tune your power & magical abilities, to strengthen them & become comfortable with them. You have permission from the Femmeiverse to become your most magical & powerful self! |
2: Nine of Swords |
3: Ace of Cups |
5: Daughter of Swords |
Lettie Laughter has over 10 years experience reading tarot. To book your own magical 60 or 90 minute tarot reading with them, go here! There are specials offered until the end of December. You can also take a one-on-one tarot class using tarot decks from Collective Tarot, the Unknown, & the Fountain with Lettie. Each 90 minute class is tailored just for you, & be accessed in Philly or over the internet! For more information on how to save your spot in this first time ever opportunity, go here. |
Thank you for this. The spread and your story of grief came to me at a special time.
is a chronically ill queer indigenous femme, community healer, poet, playwright, & performer extraordinaire. They live, love, femmeifest, & write in the desert.
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
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