Deer Heart Ones,
I didn’t think I’d be writing this, but here I am, at 5:30am EST on the dot. I’ve been recovering from life the past two weeks, not an easy endeavor, but I like to think I am making those deep shifts that make a life that loves me back so incredibly possible. I awoke this morning from a dream about flying with Philly single babes on some kind of collective date, but instead of a plane seats there were tiny merry-go-rounds, & it was actually New Years now that I think about it. Everyone was wearing sequins & shiny things, & the last thought I remember was, “I guess everyone’s gonna know I have a kid.” I keep my kid status unanswered on the dating wesbite (you know of which I speak, or maybe you don’t, lol) because I’m there for super casual things…am I oversharing now? Maybe. Anyways, my femme babe genius roommate & I were talking one evening & from that conversation I learned that I get to bring my whole self, which most definitely includes Panda Pie, into my dating-ness. I don’t know what to call it. & what kinds of real chances am I allowing myself to have if I am not bringing my whole self to the table? That’s something I’ve been working on, right? Right. So my dream was like, Get on board Lettie! On tiny merry-go-round-board! I don’t know what it means to be on board, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. I also did some candle magic. I dressed one for health, intending to move in the direction of being connected to my body, caring for my sobriety, poetry things, healing my critical self-talk into accepting self-talk, & clear boundaries at day job. There’s more. It’s kinda a lot, but I’m letting the Femmeiverse help me out. I hope you are enjoying this influx of new fire energy, that it helps clear some paths for you, that it brings clarity, that it reminds you of the things that bring heat & make you simmer with excitement. I hope this Aries seasons brings you to boil over everything in your kitchen, your house, your life. I hope you’ll show me the glorious mess you’ve made the next time we meet. xo Lettie
I’d really love to receive $50-$100 for my creative efforts & healing channeling today in the form of this post. Please support femme labor, your energy exchange of $1-$50 makes all the difference! My Paypal is [email protected]. Your donations do things like help me buy food & pay for transportation, so thank you so much!
This week is gonna be short & sweet because I gotta get ready for my day job & wanna get this out. Next week I hope to take more time. I can already hear the birds singing to the navy morning sky.
Clear Quartz in a crystal that is really good at amplifying already present magics & bringing clarity through clearing shit out. This is all great new because Three of Feathers is next, sharing with you that the time is now to start putting pen to paper in name of your heart. You’ve been simmering with your heart things for a while now, it’s time to do the next thing. This card largely shows up when writing is an appropriate medium, & I definitely encourage it. Write down some hopes, some dreams, some pain, some things to let go. Write down things you already do, are trying to do, & will hopefully work up to for self care. Write down boundaries that you need to feel safe & secure. Write down how you want to feel in a femmeship, loveship, datingship, hookupship, coparentingship, so when the Femmeiverse shows up with this –ship on a silver shell platter, you will be like, “Yes, that’s mine. Thank you!” Write down your business plan, how much money you wanna be femmeifesting, & how lovely it is to work at your ideal job. Write a love letter to the self that is feeling the most pain right now. Write them love poems & love notes & draw cute pictures of your future together. Write anything. Write something. You ca totally write yourself to freedom. & I got a new deck, A Spirit Speak Oracle Deck. I am so excited to share it with you, even if the first card I drew is defeat. I know, I know, me, too! I was like, Wuh? It’s too early for this shit. But here we are, & I can go with it. So let’s! Defeat, directly from the accompanying book, “Sad Star, it’s ok to give up & to feel sad about it. Sometimes defeat helps us let go & let in change.” You know I believe in a good cry just as much as I believe in a good surrender, & I feel like this card is a potential combination of the two, though they do not have to come together. Defeat is real! Trying with everything you’ve got & coming away empty handed is real, & real hard to accept sometimes! But, like the card says, “Sometimes defeat helps us let go & let in change.” Even if what you want doesn’t work out this one time, that does not mean it was a bad idea, or you shouldn’t have, or that you don’t deserve it, or you need a new dream. All it means is, “Not here at this time.” That means you try again elsewhere & maybe learn a few things that inspire you to fine tune your approach. In the meantime, cry if you need to. I’m all about tears bringing clarity. & the Clear Quartz is here to help you focus your goals & make room for your magic. The whole way through. You & Clear Quartz are the same, love. There’s nothing either one of you can’t do. Happy Astrological New Year New Moon in Aries!
I'm so happy & excited that so many of you are sharing & reading the work I am creating! I'd also really like to receive some $$ if you got it! Know that $5 goes real far in my life.
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