I AM BLESSED WITH UNENDING ABUNDANCEScarcity is something that I am working to heal all the time. I came across these cards at the end of my session with the Money Witch. I received a text with the image of one of the Money Magic Manifestation cards, & I liked it a lot. A few weeks ago, I was able to get my own baby deck of Money Magic Manifestation cards (they fit in the palm of my hand), & within the last week I’ve started working with them. It has been really hard because every time I draw a card, I immediately start pushing back. This is my scarcity talking, yelling, whatever. But when I pulled I am blessed with unending abundance, & decided to journal about it, it some how felt accessible. I shifted the way I thought about it from bank account amount to ideas & inspiration, & that is when I was able to connect to that feeling of unending abundance. If I have and unending anything, it is words & ideas. Some things I came up were weekly writing offerings, like this one, Femmeifesting Heart Things, & Femmes to the Front Fridays. I am also rich with poems about everything from zombies & vampires as metaphors for unworked, untouched intergenerational trauma to the freshest, sweetest femme love poems about the desert my heart belongs to. I have a plethora of femmeily who love me by feeding me from their own abundance, bringing groceries by, offering to be my Emergency Contact, who have walked me to my front door when my day has spiked with violence, & femmes who share their magical femmeifesting ways. & last, but certainly not least, I have the love & trust of a Panda Femme kiddo who shows me what is possible every time they forgive without duress, who calls my name to make sure I am close by because they know that I am here for them, & who knows my heart in ways that baffle me & keep me soft. This makes me think about what it means to "[a]sk for [a life I] couldn't fathom living without," to give myself my everything, energy, effort, praise, & favor in hopes that I, too, get to receive unimaginably good things. So, this is me doing the things, connecting & believing with what is unendingly abundant in my life right now. This is my beginning. Unendingly abundant, Lettie
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