Hearts Still Beating, Not gonna lie, I’ve never started out a reading with The Two of Bottles. It feels kinda intimidating because this card is my romance card, more so than the Lovers card ever is. I even thought about shuffling again & drawing new cards so I wouldn’t have to contend with possibly misrepresenting the Two of Bottles, contend with readers who are like, “What the fuck? Lettie is a liar!” but the more I sat with this card, the more I understood what messages it wants to bring. One day, one sleep, & one morning later, I am ready to convey the blessed shit Two of Bottles has to say. Babe in service of the Femmeiverse, Lettie I don’t often (enough?) come up with new tarot spreads, but I did for the Winter Solstice. Think of it less as a Past, Present, Future reading, & more Future, Future, Future. I’m sharing the format here so you can do your own reading! Solstice Spread Draw & place cards in numerical order. CARD 2 CARD 4 The Star Two of Keys CARD 1 Two of Bottles CARD 3 CARD 5 Artist of Bottles The Instructor Two of Bottles (1): Theme from Winter Solstice until Summer Solstice The Star (2): One way for you to express or experience the theme Artist of Bottles (3): Another way for you to express or experience the theme Two of Keys (4): Underlying energy that will help focus the Star (2) The Instructor (5): Underlying energy that will help focus Artist of Bottles (3) If you’d like to make an important donation to support this valuable work, you can donate to my Paypal at [email protected]. I’d really love to receive $50-$100 for the labor of channeling my creative & healing abilities, brought to you today in the form of this post. Your energy exchange of $1-$50 makes all the difference! Thank you so much!
Two of Bottles + the Star + Two of Keys = Yes, deer one, we are here to support your magic endeavors. Now is the time to be brave.
Two of Bottles + Artist of Bottles + the Instructor = Fall in love with the pieces you wish others would decode & uncover. Start & end there.
I’ve been sick this week, & way behind on all the things. I have a variety of chronic illnesses, & as a disabled fat brown femme, sometimes my internalized ableism still gets to me. I’ve done a lot of surviving by “pushing through it.” It can be anything from severe ptsd to not being able to breathe because of asthma to ignoring a flare of sciatica in my body as I walk the first half mile to the trolley stop, knowing there’s another half mile waiting for me once I get off. I knew the New Moon was this week, & I had all these plans (even wrote it in my planner!) so I wouldn’t be last minute writing, but I was just too sick to do it all. I really just want to share this part of my experience, the disabled & crazy parts of me, to gift myself space to take up so I can counteract how my survival so often dictates, “Smaller, Lettie, make yourself smaller.” Deep breath. I drew this spread three days ago, & it has dutifully waited for me to finish our initial conversation. & while I was prepping to pull the first card, it totally jumped out at me! I was like, Oh, ok, it’s gonna be you! Temperance. That is the theme for this week, as well as for this moon cycle. Temperance is not a card I’ve spent a lot of time with, so it was kinda nice to sit with it & do some research. I actually found out that the correlating zodiac sign for Temperance is Sagittarius, too. Maybe that’s why Temperance was so excited! The Temperance card depicts a non-binary angel who is practicing the every day alchemy of baking, while balancing so delicately with one foot in water & the other in the air. When this card comes up in a reading, it brings tidings of making sure you center yourself so you can complete long term or bigger goals, that’s why they are “testing the waters” with their toes. The waters that need to be tested can be related to emotion & spiritual matters. For example, are you ready & able to be responsible for your feelings? All of them? Do you all need a rest before continuing on? Are you asking your Ancestors or the Femmeiverse or your Guides for help? Are you sure you aren’t carrying emotional & energetic shit that is not yours? This Sagittarian angel babe is here to make sure your ducks are in a row! This card also wants you to focus on your every day alchemy. What alchemy? you ask? This angel is demonstrating one of many magics you may or may not practice, the magic of baking; the taking of raw materials & combining them in such a way that the results yield often soft, warm, & yummy results that you can keep for yourself or share with others. Cooking is another magic. Sweeping your house, pouring salt in doorways, brewing teas & tinctures, & talking to your future ancestral self are other every day magics. Another fun thing I like to do is share magics with friends. I once put together little jars of sea salt, rain water, dried lavender roses from my altar, & ash, & gifted them to femme loved ones. A few weeks ago, a femme friend of mine & I cooked together, all the while laughing & sharing stories, which was a much needed healing magic that reminded me that I can continue to femmeifest an abundance of sweet & sustainable things in my life. These are all important. What kinds of magic are you brewing? Take note, Precious Heart. Tis the season. If you’d like to make an important donation to support this valuable work, you can donate to my Paypal at [email protected]. I’d really love to receive $50-$100 for my creative efforts & healing channeling today in the form of this post. Your energy exchange of $1-$50 makes all the difference! Thank you so much! I believe in your magic, pick your own card.This week's Check in With You card choosing set up is correlating with the New Moon. You know how this goes:
The card you chose, the card that chose you, because healing in a two-way kinda thing.
Experience the clarity & healing that can happen |
Lettie Laughter has over 10 years experience reading tarot. To book your own magical 60 or 90 minute tarot reading with them, go here! You can also take a one-on-one tarot class, tailored just for you, with Lettie! For more information on how to save your spot in this first time ever opportunity, go here. |
Lettie Laughter has over 10 years experience reading tarot. To book your own magical 60 or 90 minute tarot reading with them, go here! You can also take a one-on-one tarot class, tailored just for you, with Lettie! For more information on how to save your spot in this first time ever opportunity, go here. |
Past: Two of KeysI feel like Two of Keys is totally talking about that Full Moon we had last week. Full Moons are a great time to intentionally release stuff because then it can become smaller along with the waning moon. Whatever was happening for you, the purpose was to clear space for an opening. It's almost as if you were just moving shit away from a door (which is your heart according to this card) you knew you had to open, no matter the mess or disarray. & then you were in, through, on the other side. Other side of what? you ask, let's keep going. | AcceptanceFeels like a deep breath in or a holding of breath before diving in, turning that key. |
Present: Ace of KeysI get the impression this maybe a bit more than you bargained for. You needn't be afraid of getting burned, just follow the trail that the Ancestors are making just for you! There might be a mini flare of sorts because of the build of pressure, & but it's only so the stuff at the bottom can surface to either leave or come back to you. There are gonna be gifts you forgot you stored away, & memorabilia you know has to go, & even a map you made for yourself however long ago. Fire is tempering you so you won't scare of your own power, your own heat, & or that of another. Sit a spell. | ReleaseFeels like the deep & shuddering exhale of not dying when you chose to surrender to the process. |
Future: Seeker of BottlesNow that you have taken the time to sit with yourself, your power, your feelings, your limits, you now have room to dream. Hopefully you were able to glean hints & more clues about What Your Life is About, but if you're still struggling a bit (which is totally normal & ok), tap into your Future Ancestral Self. What they really want is for you to lie back, remember how the Femmeiverse has you in the palm of some cosmic hand, & dare to write the unwritten. Don't hold back now. You didn't just survive everything to ask for a mediocre life with things you kinda want, nope. Ask for the one you couldn't fathom living without. I trust you, & good luck. XOXO | Deep BreathsNo more diving. No more needing to hold your breath. Feels like easy breaths, like relaxing your shoulders & jaw & smiling if you want to. |
Lettie Laughter has over 10 years experience reading tarot. To book your own magical 60 or 90 minute tarot reading with them, go here! You can also take a one-on-one tarot class, tailored just for you, with Lettie! For more information on how to save your spot in this first time ever opportunity, go here. |
is a chronically ill queer indigenous femme, community healer, poet, playwright, & performer extraordinaire. They live, love, femmeifest, & write in the desert.
April 2016
March 2016
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January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
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